I. Am. Speed...

Welcome to the new Codeface website. Well...actually for now it's the old Codeface site, but a whole lot faster.

The website has just been migrated to a new platform, using its own dedicated virtual server in the cloud, and content delivery using AWS CloudFront.

Our content may still be a teensy bit out of date (hey - we've been busy looking after our customers), but at least pages load blindingly fast. Pages that took a second or two before the move are now typically loading in 200 milliseconds or so. Here at Codeface towers, we reckon pages that take a second or more to download are just not good enough.

(And don't worry - we're also planning to update the website content in the weeks and months ahead now that it's got a shiny new home!)

Talking of speedy websites, we're pleased to offer our web server performance consultancy as a standalone service, or as an integral part of a web application development project.

If you'd like to discuss your performance issues, please do get in touch with us at our Brighton and Hove office.

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